About Us

Jesus said He would build His church (Matthew 16:18). He also said that He alone, is the Head of that church (Eph 1:22). We are part of that! We identify our theology with that expressed so clearly by the Apostles, the Protestant Reformers, the Puritans, and the Particular Baptists. Christ is the Head of our church (Eph 5:23), and as such, we are an autonomous, congregationally ruled church, under the Authority of God’s Word. We enjoy fellowship with like-minded churches.


God’s Word is truth. It is our commitment to learn, love, and live the whole counsel of God. We will faithfully promote and protect the Gospel of Christ as the heart of that counsel.


God’s honor is central. His praise is our clearest duty and deepest privilege. As the truth of Jesus Christ increasingly permeates our hearts, genuine gratitude is expressed as we corporately glorify His Name.


God’s likeness is our goal. To be like Jesus is our happiness. His prayer is that we would be sanctified by His truth. Sin is our enemy. Change is our calling. Holiness of heart and righteousness of life is our destiny.

Loving Community

God’s people are our people. The Church is the center of Christ’s program. Spiritual life and growth is not a private endeavor but a community project. The words, examples, and relationships of this Body are part of His chosen means of grace. Through the ‘one anothers’ addressed to us in His word we gladly take our place to give and receive the edifying influence Christ commands.


God’s way is selflessness. Looking out only for ourselves and not caring for others is the world’s way. Esteeming others as more important than ourselves causes us to look for ways to serve others inside and outside our church family. Holiness and love will always lead us to sacrifice our time, energy, and gifts to be useful to others.


God’s purpose is redemption. Locally and globally, salvation by Christ is His program for this age. As He brought that to us, we seek to bring it to others near and far. We stand ready to speak the Gospel in love to our neighbors, and to send it to the remote regions of the earth. Our prayers for His Kingdom to come will in measure be answered through our resources and witness.

We preach Christ crucified (1 Cor 1:23).

The pattern we follow for our church worship is that which was established in Acts 2, as the church began.

The focal point of our worship is devotion to the teaching of sound doctrine, fellowship, the observance of the Lord’s Supper, (and occasional baptism), and prayer with thanksgiving, including praising God through the singing of hymns (Acts 2:42).

See Article 22 in the 1689 LBCF for a more detailed look at biblical worship.

We’re a loving group of believers who speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15). We welcome all through our doors.

God desires all would come to repentance and faith (1 Tim 2:4; 2 Pet 3:9), and so do we!

There was a time for each person here, when they knew nothing of God’s Word. It’s only by studying together and sharpening one another, that we grow.

It is our joy to teach others what Christ’s expectations are, for His disciples!

Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

We are a diverse group. Christ’s church promises to be made up of people from every tongue, tribe, and nation (Rev 7:9).

In fact we are the most diverse group in the world!

All are welcome!

You will meet people exploring Christianity for the first time, and you will meet church members.

Membership is reserved for baptized believers, committed to persevering in the faith.

Importantly, God divides the world into only two people groups (John 3:36).

Here, you’ll learn what it looks like, to belong to the right one.

A measure of modesty according to God’s will would be good. T-shirts, jeans, dresses, suits, it’s all good.

No set dress code, but most dress casually.

Netherwood is a family-friendly environment. We believe that children are a blessing from God and are a vital part of every local church. We do not offer any “children’s church” as we believe children are a part of the entire church family. Families are encouraged to worship together. We know that having kids in worship with us brings some extra “kid noise” with it – and we like it that way. We love having families with kids of all ages worshiping together with us!

Please do. We seek to be a welcoming environment for people who are curious about Christianity or who are seeking to belong to a community of believers.

© 2024 Netherwood Baptist